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Finnish Grassland Society

Finnish Grassland Society (FGS) is the co-operation forum for researchers and other experts interested in forage production and grasslands. Interests vary from forage and legume grasses and their breeding to lawns, pastures, grass seed production, fodder and silage production up to feed industry.


Typical members are specialists working in research institutes and universites, advisory or educational organisations or with farming, plant breeding or feed industry. The activities of FGS consist of e.g. organizing of seminars and conferences, granting of stipends and publishing a variety of reviews and documents. FGS maintains a network of contacts with Nordic and European grassland societies.


Contact us 





Chairman Kaisa Kuoppala
Address: Luke, Tietotie 4 , 31600 JOKIOINEN

kaisa.kuoppala (at)


Secretary Essi Tahvola
essi.tahvola (at)


Other board members 2023:


Anni Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau (University of Helsinki)



Susanna Heikkinen (The Finnish Beef Breeders' Association) Communications specialist

Kati Knuutila (ProAgria Western Finland) 

Sari Perälä (Osuuskunta Maitosuomi) 

Thanks for contacting us

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